Golf Course and Sports Field Services and Equipment
Providing turfgrass professionals with large-scale specialized aeration services, product sales, equipment rentals, consultation, and solutions.
Services include Drill & Fill, Deep Drill, Linear Slit Drainage, Deep Tine Aeration , Traditional Aeration, Verti-Quake, VertiCutting, Topdressing, Seeding, and more
Product Sales Distribution: JRM, GolfCo, Dakota, Weseex, TurfPride, TurfTime, Keystone Drag Mats, Woodbay Turf Technologies, and more
Our Story
Double ‘D’ Turf LLC is family owned and operated and located in Central New Jersey. We pride ourselves in offering friendly and reliable service that exceeds our customers expectations. Our region of focus is New Jersey as well at metro-NY and metro-Philadelphia.
Dennis Sr. has over fifty years of turfgrass industry experience, specifically in the equipment distribution and aeration service business, although very early in his career he was a Golf Course Superintendent. He holds a turfgrass management degree from Rutgers University and is past-President of both the New Jersey Turfgrass Assocaition and Foundation. He received the New Jersey Turfgrass Association Hall-of-Fame award in 1996 for his many years of industry dedication and his photo is proudly on display in the “hall of fame” inside the Geiger Building at the Rutgers University Turfgrass Research Farm.
Dennis Jr. has over thirty years of turfgrass industry experience, in both the seed/chem/fert and aeration/equipment business. He holds a Bachelors degree of Plant Science/Turfgrass Management and a Masters of Business Administration from Rutgers University. Having started working on golf courses in the 90’s he then transitioned into distribution sales of seed/chem/fert for 4 years, and spent the next 11 years with Syngenta Crop Protection as a regional manager before joining the family business in 2015. In 2019 he retired from twelve years of service on the the New Jersey Turfgrass Association and Foundation Boards, he is past President of both organizations.
We are blessed to have a team of employees who are experienced and take pride in their work. We look forward to working with you!