Linear Slit Drainage Service

Linear Slit Drainage Service incorporates large quantities of sand into the soil profile to assist with moving water off the surface which helps create firmer and healthier turfgrass areas. The sand slits are approximately 8” deep, 10” apart, and 1” wide. The sand slits created usually heal and get grown over by grass within 3 weeks depending upon many variables. It is most commonly used on golf course fairways, approaches, and athletic fields.

The benefits are similar to Drill & Fill service but the Linear Slit Drainage allows water to not only move vertically, but also horizontally. You can then direct water to drainage lines and/or away from the primary playing surface. The process also helps alleviate soil compaction, improve gas exchange, create healthier turf, and firmer playing surfaces.

Labor requirements are also less for the customer as the machine is filled with our conveyor material movers, so no laborers carrying buckets of sand all day. Cleanup after the service usually consists of dragging/sweeping the excess sand and then rolling the serviced area.

Results, expect the serviced areas to accept mowers and carts much faster after rain events, and overall the turfgrass will be healthier and more playable.
