Linear Root Pruning Service

Like turfgrass, the tree roots that are active and functional are located in the upper few inches of the soil profile.  Unlike sinker roots and taproots, the shallower horizontal roots (feeder/surface roots) of mature trees usually extend 2-3x farther from the tree than the drip line of the tree.  It is these shallow roots that cause problems for managers of fine-turfgrass because they directly compete for the same water and nutrients, as well as occasionally creating surface disruption including cart path raising.

We provide a fast, effective, and non-invasive root pruning service of surface roots for turfgrass managers. This means there is no clean-up, dirt moving, seeding, or unsightly wide trench lines after the process. Our machine slices the earth and cuts all of the competitive feeder roots, not once, but twice (8” apart). But keep in mind that severing roots will naturally stimulate new growth from the cut ends so root pruning should be repeated every two to three years.

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Imants Root Pruner 18.JPG